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Easter Resources

Palm Sunday begins Holy Week and we’ve developed Free Easter Resources to encourage you in this season. There is an individual devotional guide, a discussion group guide for small groups, church staff, or Sunday Schools and sermon outlines for pastors and chaplains based on my book, Please Sorry Thanks.

These free resources include daily readings, scripture references, and prayers to guide you through Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and into the celebration of Easter Sunday!

Nothing opens doors like please.

Nothing mends fences like sorry.

Nothing builds bridges like thanks.

I hope these resources and book are a blessing.

For Individual Use

Download this three-day devotional guide to reflect, pray, and prepare your heart for Easter.

For Group Use

A three-week group discussion guide for small groups, church staff, or Sunday Schools.

For Pastors or Chaplains

Sermon outlines to create a three-week sermon series for your congregation.

Get Your Copy Today

Please, Sorry, Thanks by Mark Batterson

Please, Sorry, Thanks

Mark Batterson

Strengthen your spiritual, mental, and emotional health and reach your most audacious goals with three simple but power-packed words—from the New York Times bestselling author of Win the Day.

The best predictor of success in life, in love, and in leadership is your proficiency at please, sorry, and thanks. Those three words are the foundation of all healthy relationships and successful careers. Those three words are the only ceiling on achieving your dreams. Those three words will determine how happy you are.

  • A timely please can help you unlock the rule of reciprocity for greater results.

  • A sincere sorry can lead you to mend broken relationships, strengthen connections through being radically vulnerable.

  • A heartfelt thanks paves the way toward a resilient mindset of gratitude and an expectancy to see God move on your behalf.

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