Sulhee Jessica Woo, also known as the Bento Box Queen, is a home chef, artist, and social media personality of Korean, Chinese, and Hawaiian heritage. She is a proud member of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community and a mother of three lovely girls.
Jessica gained popularity on social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, due to her amazing talent for creating intricate and visually stunning bento boxes. Through her art, she showcases her love for food, creativity, and dedication to being a great mom.
Jessica's bento boxes are not only aesthetically pleasing but also nutritious. Her creations often include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and protein sources, making them a perfect meal for her children and followers alike.
As an AAPI influencer, Jessica uses her platform to promote cultural awareness and highlight the beauty of diversity. She inspires her followers to embrace their own identity and encourages them to express themselves through their passions.
Jessica's work has been featured in various media outlets, and her influence continues to grow. She is a role model for many, especially for women and mothers who aspire to balance motherhood, creativity, and career.